OMBELICO DEL MONDO is in Italy, Rome….

Not so so far from Italy, in a galaxies far, far away, there is “Orion Duel”, superb board game from Italian duo signore Mainini & maestro Branciari.

We all already know that some of the best board games in the world, such as “Tzolkin”, “The Voyages of Marco Polo”, or “Darwin’s Journey” come from other Italian designers, so I was prepared for a good game, but not for surprise about it. You know, my personal favorite designer is Reiner Knizia, always fresh, genius of board game design from Germany… and reason for that is superb game-play in almost every of his 725 board games. Reason for that lies in the fact that his design is from other World(s). Also, he laid the foundation and personal records that will never be deleted. SO, with that pedigree there is almost 0 chance that some other designer could make a board game that is fresh, really new, with great table presence, playing time, price etc. etc.

Ecco, Mainini&Branciari made one of the best games on the market right now, both from an expert point of view, as well as from mostly casual approach to “Orion Duel”. This game is one of the best if not the best open information, combinatorial board game ever, because design of this game is also from out of this World and from other time (if time exist). In only 30 minute of “time” there is no first player advantage, you and your opponent have the same gaming pieces, exactly 18, and with 16 of those 18 tiles, at your turn, you work for yourself, but for the opponent as well. There are 3 winning conditions, to 1) link constellations, 2) connect galaxies and 3) force  your opponent to connect the black holes. With random seeds of galaxies & black holes at the board, as well as those 3 wining conditions there is no way to play the same game twice. You’ll rise, stumble and fall and rise again, in short and rich playtime, and you want it to play again, with your wife, a friend or an enemy, neighbors, or at a picnic with random gamers in soul. Maybe you can make gamers from a blank page, from some almost unknown man or women with “Orion Duel” – that’s all upon you, but this game have that quality as well as duality. And all that is common for this Italian duo and Knizia.

From Italy with passion and love.

1 comment

  1. Verry competent review, thank you Boris!

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